Shamanic healing ceremony
The soul retrieval ceremony is divided into two parts. The first is a cleansing of your energy (extraction); the second is a soul retrieval and power animal retrieval journey. The goal is to get rid of unwanted energies, giving you back your full power.
Extraction: Practitioners uses rattles, the breath and feathers to extract unwanted energies and intrusions. The goal is to extract theses unwanted energies, creating space to welcome power, provoking the circulation of energy.
Soul Retrieval: While journeying, I track soul parts (your essence) lost after: traumas, physical or verbal violence, abuse, accidents, etc. This process occurs, protecting us so that we don't suffer unnecessarily. These soul parts cannot come back by themselves, for they are truly lost. If you feel dizzy, depressed, victimized, tired and your life always seems difficult, or, you are always angry or feel that you are not living your life fully, there is a good chance that many of your soul parts are missing.
Power Animal Retrieval: These are the representations of your true potential and vitality in animal form. When I journey, one of these forms may manifest themselves and become one of your allies in your everyday life. Animal powers are there to support and guide us, each with their own particular medicine/power (for example, the eagle enables global vision). Shamans believe that we are born with at least one animal power (totem animal) and that we sometimes lose them along the way for different reasons. It is believed this loss brings illness to the person.
How Does This Work? The universe does not like empty space, so, when such a space occurs either through soul or animal power loss, this creates room for all sorts of intrusions.
Extraction: Practitioners uses rattles, the breath and feathers to extract unwanted energies and intrusions. The goal is to extract theses unwanted energies, creating space to welcome power, provoking the circulation of energy.
Soul Retrieval: While journeying, I track soul parts (your essence) lost after: traumas, physical or verbal violence, abuse, accidents, etc. This process occurs, protecting us so that we don't suffer unnecessarily. These soul parts cannot come back by themselves, for they are truly lost. If you feel dizzy, depressed, victimized, tired and your life always seems difficult, or, you are always angry or feel that you are not living your life fully, there is a good chance that many of your soul parts are missing.
Power Animal Retrieval: These are the representations of your true potential and vitality in animal form. When I journey, one of these forms may manifest themselves and become one of your allies in your everyday life. Animal powers are there to support and guide us, each with their own particular medicine/power (for example, the eagle enables global vision). Shamans believe that we are born with at least one animal power (totem animal) and that we sometimes lose them along the way for different reasons. It is believed this loss brings illness to the person.
How Does This Work? The universe does not like empty space, so, when such a space occurs either through soul or animal power loss, this creates room for all sorts of intrusions.